My Payment has been declined |

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My Payment has been declined

When you place an order on our site, our checkout connects with your bank, to request the value of your order in real time.

Your bank may validate the transaction in a number of ways; it generally happens behind the scenes, and you'll not notice anything, or they might display a window and ask you to input a code number which they'll text you, or use their app to generate (exactly how it happens depends on your bank) This window is generated into our checkout by your bank - we don't know what they will ask for, and can't see your response, we'll just get an approved or declined message.

Our site has supported the latest global security standards (called 3DSv2) since late 2020 when they became mandatory for all European issued cards. However, some countries lag way behind these standards, and so by default just decline any transaction from another country.

If this happens to you, we'd recommend calling them to advise you're trying to place an online order with a UK store, and they should then be able to approve it for you. Please note that we can't recover a transaction once it's been declined, so you'll need to place your order again after you've spoken to them. Your items will remain in your basket until they are successfully checked-out.