  1. New Brand Alert – Cub Jeans

    cub_fox_blue_carbon_front-1 We are proud to announce another new addition to our range of chinos and jeans for tall men. So please welcome Cub Jeans, a new French based company who specialise in tall mens jeans and extra long chinos in a 38 inch leg. Continue reading →
  2. New Heights in Beach Volleyball

    gbrchrisgregory-1055221702019442452_1451062488 Two months ago, we introduced our first brand ambassador, Team GB Beach Volleyball player Chris Gregory.  Since then, we have been following his progress ithroughout the European Tour, where along with his partner Jake Sheaf (6 foot 5) they have been performing extremely well. Chris was identified as being ideal for Beach Volleyball as part of Steve Redgrave’s Sporting Giants programme in 2007 ahead of the London Olympics, where they ran recruitment days to identify tall athletes for Team GB sports like rowing, basketball and volleyball. Continue reading →
  3. Is there a relationship between your height and physique?

      Does a taller body correlate to a leaner physique? Well scientists at the University of Queensland may have found the answer. A study investigating differences between European countries, found that people from northern Europe tended to be taller and slimmer than other Europeans. Continue reading →
  4. Tall Life Hacks

    Sam from Tall.Life provides some essential tall life hacks.  www.Tall.Life is a website devoted to bringing awareness to tall problems, giving perspective on these, and finding solutions where possible. Continue reading →
  5. Meet the Team: Chris Gregory

    e3ttZWRpYSB1cmw9Ind5c2l3eWcvY2hyaXNncmVnb3J5LmpwZyJ9fQ,, Chris Gregory is the first brand ambassador, and one half of Team GB's beach volleyball team, who along with partner Jake Sheaf, are representing Great Britain in the run up to the 2016 olympics. Continue reading →
  6. Could the nightmare of air travel be a thing of the past?

    20140714-115614-42974453-300x225 As we all know, flying is a real pain for tall guys, squeezing into a seat that has just enough legroom for someone who is 5’6”.  But is this nightmare about to change? Continue reading →
  7. Meet the Team: Tom

    tom_profile_pic Tom is one of our models at 2tall and has been involved with the business for the last 2 years. He's currently a student, so helps us out during his spare time when he's not studying (or at least trying to).  Tom's build is very similar to a lot of our customers, which meant before existed, he found it really difficult to find clothes that not only fitted him, but fitted well. Continue reading →
  8. Why are Dutch people so tall?

    tall-dutch-man-569219   On average, the Netherlands holds the record for the tallest people in the world, with the average women standing at 1.71 metres (5.6 foot) tall and men at 1.84 metres (6 foot).  But how has the Netherlands gone from one of the shortest nations in the world to the tallest in less than 200 years? Continue reading →
  9. Have a Merry Christmas from 2tall

    So it's now our second Christmas here at 2tall HQ. We've had another busy year, with the addition of many new brands and products including our own 2tall extra long mens shirts which have extra length in both the arms and the body. Something I'm sure most tall guys aren't used to. Not only have grown in terms of products, but our reputation...
  10. Getting Ready for Summer 2015

    Reef Flip Flops Winter is just about here, but at 2tall HQ we're already working on our line up for next summer - and have been working with manufacturers to make sure we have the best range of flip flops for big feet next year. Continue reading →